Freedom, joy and confidence after Trauma release

Recently, I experienced a trauma release session with BodyMindSpirit! Coaches John and Katharina Notarianni and Richard Stubbs. Each was sensitive and intuitive in their insights.

The release was very powerful, freeing me from an experience and from a belief I created from that experience, which had impacted every aspect of living my life. It involved feeling a lack of safety when considering creating greater visibility for myself in the world. I had worked on visibility with my inner child with a variety of modalities with varying degrees of success, yet, it was like a deep vein within and popped up at times when I was considering an expansion into the world showing more of who I am.

I felt the shift immediately in the session and can describe it as a lifting, a lightening up. The shift was in itself an expansion for me in which I felt freedom, joy at living life, confidence in who I am as a person and healer and feeling free to live spontaneously, openly and whole heartedly.

— Cathy Stubbs