In one week of coaching I experienced dramatic shifts in several areas

I have held life long beliefs around not having value, that I didn’t deserve to get better from the symptoms that my body has taken on the past 15 years, that were keeping me pretty much terrified in all waking moments of these mystery illnesses. Through processing and trauma release, I actually within one week since then, experienced dramatic shifts in several areas.

I have gotten a physician who knows very much what she’s speaking about, and has instilled confidence in me to try a method of treatment that I had turned away from in the past, and now in doing research, I saw it through different eyes. Now they aren’t the eyes of someone who is in fear, looking for how I would suffer the worst of it, but actually I can see the possibility of health.

And something else that had been plaguing me, which is fear of scarcity, that I don’t deserve to have enough because I grew up in a household where we were constantly told we didn’t have enough and didn’t deserve, released. The IRS had made a mistake and thought that I owed hundreds of 1000s of dollars and had been plaguing me for about a year and a half about it, and that issue was resolved this morning just by being patient on the phone for over two hours with the IRS. It’s all gone, with only a $16 fee.

I had this epiphany that all these really large things are moving because of the coaching processes I had done. And of course, when stress goes away whatever physical symptoms you’re dealing with, also tend to diminish, because our immune system can handle it better.

I also had been feeling like I couldn’t fit in because of these health issues that had come up. And yet, this past weekend I joined in an art show with our local community, new friends in our park and other artists, and now I’m leading craft and art classes on Saturdays at our local clubhouse in our park. So just like that!

I can’t recommend a BodyMindSpirit! Breakthrough strongly enough!


— Raina Woolfolk