
Introducing BodyMindSpirit! Group Coaching

THURSDAYS AT 1PM PT (4PM ET) – email info @ to REGISTER. Group coaching conducted over Zoom.

Already a BodyMindSpirit! Group Coaching Participant?

FREE VISION SESSION – Experience 1:1 Breakthrough Coaching with certified master practitioner coaches John and Katharina Notarianni. Define your vision and break free of the past so you can fully step into a life you love.

It all begins with a free BodyMindSpirit! Vision Session. To book your vision session please email info @

What’s Possible for You when You invest in a BodyMindSpirit! Breakthrough for yourself?

I have held life long beliefs around not having value, that I didn’t deserve to get better from the symptoms that my body has taken on the past 15 years, that were keeping me pretty much terrified in all waking moments of these mystery illnesses. Through processing and trauma release, I actually within one week since then, experienced dramatic shifts in several areas. (read more)

— Raina Woolfolk

What’s involved in a BodyMindSpirit! Breakthrough?

BodyMindSpirit! coaches are certified in several modalities: Laser focused coaching, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnosis. They also have many years of metaphysical training and meditation.

We bring the structured process of NLP and professional certified coaching together with energy work, hypnotherapy, and meditation in a new way. This process is a powerful yet easy and effective way to change your mindset, create rapport between your Unconscious mind and your Conscious mind, and free you to explore new possibilities and futures you have always wanted.

BodyMindSpirit! Coaching - John and Katharina Notarianni and Richard Stubbs - certified coaches - NLP - Time Line Therapy - Meditation - Spirituality
BodyMindSpirit! Coaches – introducing John and Katharina Notarianni and Richard Stubbs


What Do You Get With Your BodyMindSpirit! Breakthrough?

BodyMindSpirit! Breakthrough 
A full personal BodyMindSpirit! Breakthrough series of coaching sessions is usually focused on one area of life yet often has wonderful benefits in many areas due to the nature of the process and the patterns that are identified and released. Examples of areas of life are family, intimate relationships, health, self love, money, etc. – and includes releases of key negative emotions and limiting decisions, integration, future vision and goals, positive learnings hypnotic induction (this is recorded), and energy work to support the releases. A full breakthrough process supports identity shifts you are wanting to make. 

The breakthrough consists of several coaching processes and requires you to commit to six or more 90-minute sessions. Are you ready for a BodyMindSpirit! breakthrough?

You are ready if:

  • You want different results than you have been getting
  • You are feeling stuck
  • You can’t seem to “get over” a traumatic event in the past no matter how much you try
  • You want to be yourself and feel good each and every day – free of stress, self-doubt and worry

We are 100% committed to coaching you to experience a complete Breakthrough in the area of life you choose. If additional sessions are required ongoing coaching programs are available.


Ready to schedule your breakthrough with a BodyMindSpirit! Certified Coach? Email info @ and we'll get you set up with the right coach for you.

BodyMindSpirit! Master Coaches are certified by Genius Unlocked Coaching Institute.

Photo credit: Joy by Preslie Hirsch on Unsplash!